Tuesday, November 23, 2010

NE COL Newsletter 2010 Special Excerpt November 23rd

New Earth COL Newsletter 2010 Special Excerpt November 23rd

The latest New Earth Center of Light Newsletter (Subj: Gratitudes) was published 11/23/10 and may be viewed in its entirety at:

or at
The subjects include:

First Article: Thanksgiving Gratitude for 2010

As we approach the US Holiday of Thanksgiving we thought we would catch up with all of our friends and readers by writing about the things we are grateful for from the year 2010. We are very grateful for those who have stuck with us as the time between newsletters stretched while we experienced even more of the Light we were to hold for those whose I Am Self Divine Plan includes Being Conscious Self Responsible and Self Accountable Co-Creators of a Multi-Dimensional New Earth. Our gratitude includes:

Second Article: Outreach Calls
We envision New Earth as the next evolutionary step for both the planet and humanity. Many are busy trying to improve life in the 3rd and 4th dimensional reality of Separation Consciousness and this effort is really all about making things better inside the box of Separation. The path to New Earth is about leaving Separation Consciousness behind as we co-create the new multi-dimensional realities of New Earth. Learn more on our Outreach Calls on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. info@journeysawakening.com

Thursday, October 7, 2010

NECOL Newsletter 2010 009-01 Excerpt

NECOL Newsletter 2010 009-01 Excerpt

The latest New Earth Center of Light Newsletter (Subj: Skills for The Shift) was published 10/07/10 and may be viewed in its entirety at:

http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs010/1102118098860/archive/1103754644920.html or at http://tinyurl.com/2wy2sgw

The subjects include:

Skills for The Shift: We have been guided to begin several series of New Earth Center of Light Newsletters with each series focusing on a specific area of our work. The topic of our second Newsletter Series is “ Skills for The Shift.”

Skills for the Transition from 3rd/4th Dimensions to Multidimensionality:
This series will focus on the various tool sets one will need to make The Shift more gracefully. These include things like New Earth Assessments, Life Force Breath, Brain Integrity, The Art of Making a Call, Emotional Maturity and having an activated Multi-Dimensional Presence.

The first article in this series is about Aligning with your Divine Plan as we prepare to transition from the 3rd/4th Dimensional Realities into living in Multidimensional Realities. It addresses the power of making calls to more fully embrace living multidimensionally.

First Article: Alignment with your Divine Plan and The Power of Making Calls
Have you ever thought about how aligned you are with your own Divine Plan? What are you doing to assure that you are on track? Each of us, when we chose embodiment, came in with some form of Divine Plan and purpose, which was the whole reason for leaving the sublime realms of spirit and incarnating in the density of physical form. We all know, deep inside, it is about more than living to work to make payments on a car and a house so you keep a good credit rating!

Second Article: C.H.O.I.C.E. Alliance Organization Announces Conscious Calls for Community!
We have been asked by the creator of 11:11 Magazine and the C.H.O.I.C.E. Alliance, Simran Singh, to create a global call on Thursday evenings to assist participants in coming into deeper alignment with their I AM Self's Divine Plan. This new energy is shifting the support structure we will be offering and as it becomes clear we will bring the updates out through our newsletters.

Beginning 10/13/10 & 10/14/10: C.H.O.I.C.E. Alliance Organization is opening up the airways to come together as a community and raise individual and collective consciousness. Through two Fifteen Minute weekly calls, a global community gathering shall take place to unite minds and hearts with vision and action to shift paradigms.

Please share with one and all to sign up at http://ChoiceAlliance.org/ for information regarding this FREE CALL SERIES. Join us in holding the space, the vision and the energy for One, All & the Planet.

Friday, August 27, 2010

NE COL Newsletter 2010 008-02 Excerpt

NE COL Newsletter 2010 008-02 Excerpt
The latest New Earth Center of Light Newsletter (Subj: Souls Journey ~ Wounding to Oneness) was published 08/26/10 and may be viewed in its entirety at:
http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs010/1102118098860/archive/1103605882527.html or at http://tinyurl.com/32ztjjc

The subjects include:
The Journey of the Soul ~ From Wounding to Oneness:
We have been guided to begin several series of New Earth Center of Light Newsletters with each series focusing on a specific area of our work. The topic of our first Newsletter Series is “The Journey of the SOUL - From Wounding to Oneness.”

Why “Special” is NOT So Special:
During Separation Consciousness, no one has been able to see or experience themselves as completely "whole", due the inherent illusion of separation and our deep feeling of something essential "missing". In that view through the separation glass, we have been attempting to fill the void inside with another. We have built whole cultures around romance, fairy-tales of ideal partnering, special loves, and more recent times, soul mates, twin flames, and the like. The idea has persisted that you could somehow fill your soul's deep longing for wholeness if you could just "find that special someone", "out there"! And the whole experience that most have, at some point in life, of "falling in love", and the songs and stories of this "event" have kept that illusion actively and deeply embedded..

Transitioning From 3rd & 4th Dimensions to New Earth:
We are keenly aware, as September and the Equinox approaches, that a year ago we were shown that there was an accelerating gap between New Earth and the 3rd and 4th Dimensional Realities of Earth. Planetary energy is being withdrawn for the continuing support of the 3rd and 4th Dimensional Realities of Earth as these dwell deeply in Separation Consciousness. There seems to be a Cosmic intent to return to Oneness Consciousness.

Many Lightworkers have been, and continue to experience significant transitions in their work and their personal lives and relationships. Those having difficulty bridging the gap between New Earth and the 3rd and 4th Dimensional Realities of Earth seem the most affected. We've also seen that quite a few with New Earth Soul Agreements have had their primary Soul called home for rehabilitation and retraining for more successfully meeting the further widening of that gap. While a care-taker Soul Extension was left to keep things running, most have felt at a loss to know what to do or focus on next, or have been backing away from deeper spiritual involvements for now. It seems that the return of those retrained and upgraded Souls, who were called home, will occur between this Equinox and the coming Solstice in December 2010.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

NECOL Newsletter 2010 008-01

The latest New Earth Center of Light Newsletter (Subj: Souls Journey ~ Wounding to Oneness) was published 08/08/10 and may be viewed in its entirety at:

or at http://tinyurl.com/3youk3p

The subjects include:
The Journey of the Soul ~ From Wounding to Oneness: We have been guided to begin several series of New Earth Center of Light Newsletters with each series focusing on a specific area of our work. The topic of our first Newsletter Series is “The Journey of the SOUL - From Wounding to Oneness.”

We, as Spirit, chose to create this game of separation consciousness long ago. Some of us chose to hold the seeds of Oneness like the whales, dolphins and horses. Others chose to totally separate from source and do everything they could to make the illusion real, even becoming those who did not honor any other’s self sovereignty. Many of us have served on all sides to deepen our experience of separation, lack and limitation. We became in various embodiments in various systems either the Bringers of the Dawn or the creators of technology to further deepen the illusions by aligning for an embodiment with those which denied the Self Sovereignty and the Law of One to many others.

Completing 3rd/4th Dimensional Relationships:
In the deep illusion of separation humanity believed individually and collectively in the illusion. Thinking ourselves less than whole, we sought the wholeness outside, both consciously and unconsciously. In our neediness we reached out energetically to get what we thought we needed from another, others or a power bigger than ourselves. This seeking outside of self further cut us off from our most potent power, our own Soul or I AM Self, which never disconnected from Source. In taking from another we violated the Law of One and denied another and others their Self Sovereignty. Of course this just deepened our descent into separation, lack and limitation.

Interestingly enough we have seen that this process is contained in each person’s genetic stream as well in their personal life stream. As an individual begins the process of clearing themselves deeper and deeper all of the Soul Relationships they have ever experienced will come up for review, embracing and laying down. The processes we teach are based on the work we’ve been guided to do with ourselves and the participants in the Awaken Your Light Conclaves. The tools in this process provide for gracefully moving through the many layers of attachments, addictions and chording which will rise into your awareness during your process of becoming One within. A portion of the process calls for 100% ownership of the Divine Feminine within, then 100% ownership of the Divine Masculine within. This is to be completed before moving to 100% ownership of the Sacred Union within of the Divine Feminine within merged with Divine Masculine within. All of the hidden relationship attachments from this embodiment and others will be raised into awareness.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

AYL Study & Teleclass Schedule Update

Awaken Your Light Study and Conclaves

Update to the AYL Study & Calls Schedule

Greetings Everyone,

In an effort to create a better schedule that flows well for everyone, we have rescheduled the Monthly Free Call time from this evening, and put it into a monthly schedule that supports a graceful flow from first contact to Conclave-Ready. On the free call, people can meet us and the work, and within a month, be supported through the basic material and upgrades offered in the Podcasts, to arrive at a point they could be qualified to register for a Conclave. This supports the overall goal of getting people ready for MD-Life and Conclaves, whenever they do happen.

An essential element for anyone desiring to follow their I AM Self's New Earth plan is to develop a Deep Feminine Chakra System, open and activate it very Deep. That work begins with an assessment and a session or two to open their Higher Self Access, expanding and activating multi-dimensionally their Upper (Masculine) Chakra System. This is a prerequisite for initiating, opening and activating the Deep Feminine Chakra System. You can also start by ordering and actively working with the Awaken Your Light Podcast Series. .

The new monthly support schedule focuses on Tuesdays for evening calls:

First Tuesday: Free Introductory Telecalls, with Higher Self Opening. Open to the Public
Second Tuesday: Support Call for Podcasts 1, 2 and 3 (Included with Podcast purchase)
Third Tuesday: Monthly Conclave Recharge Call for Graduates (purchase on website)
Fourth Tuesday: Support Call for Podcasts 4, 5 and 6

The other support call is the Weekly Boost Calls for those with a Higher Self Opening, a prerequisite. We hold these on Wednesday and Saturday mornings by Donation. For details contact Jeremiah.

All work starts with a Higher Self Opening and a New Earth Assessment, to see where a person is starting. Shondra currently offers these privately, if a HS Opening does not occur within the context of free calls and Podcast work.

We are also training others to take up parts of this work, and so far, the first trainee ready is Diana~ Rose of Light, of Baker, Oregon. She currently offers free HS Openings, New Earth Assessments and Boost Calls as part of her practicum as she prepares for greater service. Diana is a delightful and gentle soul, with a profound connection with the Divine Feminine. We honor her dedication through many hours of work and service, to bring her self to this point. To request services from Diana, please contact her through our New Earth Center of Light group website on Ning (link: http://necenteroflight.ning.com/) you must first join that group site. See below. . If you desire to participate in the support calls, you will need to join our NE COL NING Network which is by invitation only, so send an email request to Jeremiah.

We are considering options for offering Conclave-level work by Teleclass. As this comes into focus we will let everyone know on the NING site and here in our newsletters.


We are pleased to announce that our private group communication and support website on the Ning network will soon have more bells and whistles! We have upgraded to a premium service there, which will include a real time chat box, and give you access to many materials we provide, as well as to others who are working with them on their own journey into multidimensional presence. If you are already a member there, look for nice new changes. If you have not yet joined us on that site, the change-over period has not been without techno-hiccups, so be patient, keep trying, and if you need a fresh invite, let us know. It should all be working better within a few days.

Blessed IS,
Jeremiah & Shondra ~ Rose of Light


Friday, July 16, 2010

Awaken Your Light Conclaves Update

The latest New Earth Center of Light Newsletter (Subj: AYL Conclaves Update ) was published 07/13/10 and may be viewed in its entirety at: Archive

The subjects include:
AYL Conclaves Update:
The AYL Conclave scheduled for August has been canceled. The sponsors were not able to continue due to unforeseen family obligations. We appreciate their honesty and integrity. This, combined with tentative plans for a West Coast Conclave not coming into focus, we took all of these things into Deep Council with The Mother to seek guidance.

We were shown the energies have changed SO MUCH on the planet, that the present Conclave form was no longer supported. The "NET" holding it, the container, is not able to hold it together. We've been asked to set it aside for now, and focus on the writing and publishing, until such time as a new form for the work is brought forward through the writing and supported fully by the energies of a new time.

An essential element for anyone desiring to follow their I AM Self's New Earth plan is to develop a Deep Feminine Chakra System, open and activate it very Deep. That work begins with an assessment and a session or two to open their Higher Self Access, expanding and activating multi-dimensionally their Upper (Masculine) Chakra System. This is a prerequisite for initiating, opening and activating the Deep Feminine Chakra System. You can also start by ordering and actively working with the Awaken Your Light Podcast Series.

Awaken Your Light Podcasts - Multidimensional Support:
New Earth Assessments:
Boost Call:
New Call:

Monday, June 21, 2010

The latest New Earth Center of Light Newsletter was published 06/21/10

The latest New Earth Center of Light Newsletter was published 06/21/10 and may be viewed in its entirety at:
or at http://tinyurl.com/36jzmoo

Newsletter Subj: Are you emotionally mature enough for New Earth?

The subjects include:
AYL Conclaves Update: Yes, it has been a long time since we shared a Newsletter with you. The three Awaken Your Light Conclave New Earth Intensives were a great energetic success, more than accomplishing the goals The Mother had set for us to hold space for coming to pass.

Our third conclave had three participants from Mexico, so Ana and Shondra got lots of practice translating the spiritual conversation of the AYL Conclaves. It was a perfect venue for our gathering, and all who attended agreed it was the most extraordinary thing any of us had ever done, and none of us will ever be the same.

This third Conclave was an even deeper birthing of the Divine Mother (True Divine Feminine) through our group into the Earth via our carefully prepared conduit.

A major revelation from this last Conclave was that we got very deeply how vital it is for each person aspiring to evolve to New Earth to grow up their inner children, both boy & girl, to full emotional maturity. The subsequent article will address this.

The Importance of Emotional Maturity During New Earth Shift: As we have seen these Original Woundings clear in our Awaken Your Light Conclave work the participants begin to consciously rise to where the inner child could actually be supported to progress through their development very rapidly. The changes in people were extraordinary, as we watched them "grow up" right before our eyes.

We are also seeing a correlation between the inner child in EACH GENDER and our ability to fully embrace AND HOLD our Divine Masculine and our Divine Feminine components, energies and abilities, not the least of which is the Sacred Union of these two. If we seek powerful Sacred Union within, it must be supported by the fully actualized conscious presence of each role within, of each parent and each child.

New Earth Center of Light, LLC presents - Awaken Your Light Conclaves
The Awaken Your Light Conclave is a two week transformational intensive culminating in a 3 day residential intensive. It begins when you register and receive the set of Podcasts; begin to work with us as you build your Deep Feminine Chakra System and start practicing with the Calls and other tools.

The next scheduled AYL Conclave is for August 2nd - 15th culminating in a 3 Day Intensive at The Land Celebration in Gore, VA. For information and registration see http://www.CenterOfLight.com; or Call Dorian (540) 550-7606. Please register by 08/01/10 to allow for the required preparatory work with six Podcasts.

There will be an AYL Conclave in California in October. We will open registration soon.